birthday cakeTomorrow I turn 50 years old.

I will celebrate with friends at a party that night, and later…I will celebrate in private with my husband.

I can’t  help but think just how far I have come in the last few years. It used to be that if a birthday or anniversary rolled around, I knew I’d better get myself ready and psych myself up  because we’d probably have sex that night. I think sometimes I was probably so nervous about it, that I didn’t enjoy the other festivities too much.

Anyway, I thank God that I now understand and desire this gift of sex that God gave us. I thank God that He has healed me from past baggage and lies that I had allowed to affect my marriage. I thank God that I have a patient husband, that was willing to love me even when I did not love him well, and that he has grown with me on this journey.

So this week, celebrate how far you have come. Think back to how things were and thank God for being with you every step of the way. Thank your husband for walking with you and celebrate  together the amazing connection that God has given you.




One of my favorite blogs Hot, Holy and Humorous had a post this week that I just loved called “The Amusement Park of Orgasms”. I talk all the time about how orgasms can feel so different and this article uses rides at an amusement park as way to describe the different orgasms. Take a look at it  and if you have an orgasm that differs from what she describes, think of your own ride. Here is the link.

Now for your mission. Yeah, you knew this was coming after my last post on loving yourself. It is time to us to know ourselves  up close and personal.

Warm up the room, find a private time and place, and get out a mirror to actually look at yourself. Spend some time moving things around so you can see things better. If you pull up on your mound, you should be able to see the small hole above your vagina that is your urethra. Then draw a picture of yourself. It will force you to really study yourself and see just how intricate you are. Can you  praise God for how he made you?”  Afterwards, if you are comfortable, share the drawing and your experience with your husband.

Just so you know, I’m not sure what I think about this mission, except that I was sure that this is where I was supposed to go. So this week, I will pull out my mirror and dare to go where I have not dared to go before.

I would love to hear about it if you dare, comment below.



fall_leaves_617The leaves are at their peak, and we serve an amazing God that is so creative and delights in dazzling us. Your mission this week, is simply to go on a walk in the next few days with your husband to admire God’s creation. Hold hands, feel the breeze in your hair, take in all the colors and breath.

Back at It

It has been almost a month since my last post. My daughter got married in our back yard, out of town family came and went, and daughters were packed up bound for college. Summer has flown by and the time to sit down to think and write just didn’t happen. There were several times that topics came up that I wanted to write about, but I felt like I could not do them justice in the little time I had.
The longer I went without writing, the harder it was to start. The longer I went, the more I felt like I didn’t even know where to start. The longer I went, the more I doubted whether it really even made a difference.
It sounds kind of familiar, doesn’t it? It sounds kind of like sex….
The longer I go without sex, the harder it is to enter into it again. I get to the point where I can just take it or leave it and I have to make a conscious decision to make it a priority.
The longer I go without sex, the harder it becomes to respond. I recall many times when I have told my husband, “what if I don’t remember what to do?” It has taken a patient husband and me trusting him enough to gently reawaken my body.
The longer I go without sex, the more I doubt how important it is for my marriage. Does sex really make a difference, or maybe we could just live together and be best friends.
Sex does make a difference, it is a big deal. It is one of the ways that God connects me to my husband and He makes us one. Sex creates the difference between best friends and marriage, it makes us one.
And so today, out of an obedience to strengthen marriages, I choose to sit down and write. Today, out of a knowledge that it will get easier, I start typing, and wrestling with the words, and slowly things start to flow easier. Today, I trust that God will make a difference in some ones marriage.

Time to Revive

revivere·vive – verb
 1. restore to life or consciousness
2. to give new strength or energy to
3. to regain life, consciousness, or strength
The last couple of days I have stepped completely out of my comfort zone and joined with Time to Revive in North Minneapolis to tell others about the amazing gift that God gave us when Jesus took our sins on the cross. I have prayed with complete strangers, heard their stories, and walked them through the gospel message. It  has been both terrifying and exhillarating, but it is leading to new life in both the people I encounter, but also in me. As I step out and become more dependent on God, it is changing me and I am able to love others better.
We also need to revive our marriages. I don’t think it is a one time deal. It is a constant, intentional decision that we make. We need to restore our marriages to life, give them new strength and energy and regain life.   If we do not constantly revive our marriage, this world will erode it.
One of the training sessions I thought was especially applicable to marriage…
1. LOVE – Before we approach our husbands, we need to make sure that we are coming to them out of an attitude of love. If we are coming to them with an attitude of judgement, they will not hear us, they will shut down or put up walls. When we put ourselves aside and approach with an attitude of compassion and humility, our husbands will  open up. I have wives tell me all the time that they just wish their husbands would share more. The first step is to take a look at ourselves to see if we are judging them or  loving them exactly as they are.
2. LISTEN –  We need to speak less and listen more.  Don’t just listen to their words,  listen beyond the words and try to hear their heart. Ask questions, ask about what interests them, get excited about what excites them. You may have to get rid of the distractions – tv, phones, and computers. Sometimes for men, talking side by side while enjoying an activity or project together, can feel more natural. Make it your life’s passion to know your spouse.
3. DISCERN – There is no other way to do this than with the Holy Spirit. Filter and measure everything through God’s word and what He is speaking to you. Discern when to speak, when to serve, when to lay down, when to  touch, when to ask, when to wait, when to pray. In all that you do, filter it through the Holy Spirit.
4. RESPOND –  How can you love your husband better? What can you do that will make a difference in their life?  How can you serve them? What can you change that will make a difference in your relationship? How can you encourage them? What can you pray?
Doesn’t exactly sound easy, does it?
That’s why we need God. Rely on Him for everything. Your worth is in Him. You are a beloved daughter of the King. You are His Bride.