Recently I offered my first Awaken Love class for wives on Zoom. To be honest, I wasn’t super excited about it, because I love teaching in person. I had a hard time imagining how we could create the same safe environment to share, encourage and pray for one another over a computer screen. But I was pleasantly surprised. Using Zoom for class created a terrific way to connect personally while maintaining a certain degree of anonymity. Class was fun, rewarding, and trans formative for the women. More importantly, using zoom will make Awaken Love available to more women around the world.
Already I am planning to start another 6 week Awaken Love Zoom class on Wednesday May 27th. So if you are interested check out the details and send me an email to sign up. I am looking forward to meeting wives from all over the world that want to create an amazing sex life with their husband.
If you want to know more about how a Zoom class works, then read on…
Zoom Class
The first night of Zoom class, introductions quickly disclosed a fun diversity to our Minnesota core of women – Alabama, Texas, Carolina and even Australia joined in. In our group of 11, marriages ranged from a few months to over 30 years. Some women wanted a fresh start, others were in the middle of rebuilding, some struggled to hang on, and others were finally ready to work on their sex life after ignoring it for years.
How it Worked
To maximize class time, we focused on discussion to help create community. I asked the women to watch the Awaken Love videos before each class to get the bulk of the teaching. During class we talked our way through Song of Songs, each shared our answers to the mixer questions, and checked in on our progress.
Teaching focused on the main content and deeper insights. I tried to leave time and space for questions beyond the scope of the curriculum. Every one participated and the women quickly became more comfortable sharing about their own situations while searching for answers. For these women, talking with other Christian women with a degree of anonymity over Zoom helped bring freedom.
The most rewarding part of class has been hearing and seeing how God is working. I am always shocked at the overall transformation of the group after just a few weeks. One wife started class critical of her husband but gradually softened. She now chooses to affirm the small ways her husband is trying. Another wife with past sexual abuse is experiencing increased intimacy with her husband during sex. A woman that carried years of shame recognizes she needs to forgive herself for her lost innocence. The changes in the women are visible and though some might not notice, I see their transformation both individually and as a community of women in Christ. They talk easier, linger longer, and their hope is evident. Small step of change that happen when we intentionally take a step can spur on radical transformation.
Moving Forward
With only one week left, already the women are asking about next steps to continue the journey. Many great resources exist to help, Christian sex blogs like Hot Holy and Humorous, The Forgiven Wife, Intimacy in Marriage, Oysterbed7 or Podcasts like Java with Juli, Sexy Marriage Radio or One Extraordinary Marriage. But women also need to cultivate a supportive community, and thus the importance of facilitating an Awaken Love video class with friends.
I constantly hear testimonies of how Awaken Love has impacted women because a friend dared to facilitate a video class. Around the Twin Cities, many women have heard about Awaken Love and hosting classes. In other a areas, a few dedicated women constantly host classes because they have witnessed the transformation.
If you have never taken a class and want to know what Awaken Love is like in a group, join me for a Zoom class. You will not regret the time you invest in your marriage because we all have things to learn and areas to grow. Catch the vision and don’t miss out. Only 12 seats available!
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Just finished facilitating my first Zoom Awaken Love class. Hands down a great tool to lead a discussion group. Having participants watch the video lesson is best, I think, so our time can be spent on discussion and Q &A. Love how this gives new meaning to long-distance learning!
I hope you and Jim and your ministry are doing well. I miss your blog posts. They are inspiring in many ways, spiritually as well as relationally.
Just read the following in a new book “Sanctified Sexuality.”
What might the human body and sex have to do with the basic tenets of Christianity? There’s a deep, organic connection, in fact, between the two. As we observed above, rejection of the biblical vision of sexuality has led in practice to a rejection of the basic principles of the faith. And here’s why: if we are made in the image of God as male and female (see Gen. 1:27), and if joining in “one flesh” is a “great mystery” that refers to Christ and the church (see Eph. 5:31–32), then our understanding of the body, gender, and sexuality has a direct impact on our understanding of God, Christ, and the church.
Love this! Thanks for sharing.