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What Wine Can Teach Us About Enjoying Sex

Women in class commonly share that wine helps them get in the mood for sex.  A little wine helps them to not only relax  and let go of the stress and worries, but it helps them feel less inhibited. These women know that the best sex happens when they let loose. But is it possible that we could learn to relax, feel sensuous, and express ourselves, even without a glass of wine to help? Maybe God wants to use sex to teach us about life.

So what does wine do to help women enjoy sex?

Wine helps women relax – to literally destress and release tension from the day. It helps us not worry about tomorrow or the “to do” list so we can focus on the present.

Wine also helps women feel less inhibited. We stop worrying about what we look like or what we sound like. Walls that we put up to protect ourselves come down and we live on the wild side. When we want something, we ask. When our body wants to move, we let it. Wine helps us to express and respond.

But more than anything else, wine becomes responsible for our actions. Many women still live in the paradox: if they really enjoy sex, they feel like a slut, and if they don’t enjoy sex, they feel like a prude. After drinking wine, they no longer have to feel responsible. When they go a little crazy and really enjoy sex, well, the wine made them do it.

The other day someone in class asked, “if I have to drink a wine in order to really enjoy sex, is that a problem?” Maybe the question is, “What does wine do that we can learn to do on our own?” Maybe God is trying to teach us something.

God created sex to teach us about intimacy with Him.

God wants us to learn to let go of our worries, and to release the stress of our day to Him. When we realize that we cannot control life, only He can, then we surrender the details to him. We need to learn to let go of worries and stress to engage in refreshment with our husband. Can you enjoy sex, even when you have a million things on your plate? Can you continually give your worries to God even during sex?

God also wants to release us from pride – from worrying about what anyone thinks about us, besides Him. Can you tear down your walls of protection and express yourself? Can you let go of your inhibitions and initiate, or ask for what you want? When your worth comes from God, then you stop caring about what your parents might think if they knew, or friends, or the church. You simply share yourself and allow yourself to be fully known – even in the marriage bed.

God Wants You to Enjoy Freedom

God wants you to experience freedom in your marriage bed, even without a glass of wine, but it takes time to learn new habits. Meditate on the truth of God’s design for sex. Read Song of Songs and pay attention to her role and how she acts. Take an Awaken-Love class and form friendships with other women that can encourage you as you embrace God’s design for sex. Take intentional steps to try something new and stretch yourself as you embrace freedom in your marriage bed. It takes time but when you truly believe that God created this amazing gift and He wants to bless your socks off, you will have a new understanding of just how extravagant God is.

What if you could have even better sex without a glass of wine? Learn to let go of worry during sex, and it will help you let go of worry in life. Stop comparing yourself or worrying about what others think when God becomes your focus. Embrace God’s gift of sex and taste the freedom He has for you. Get drunk on God’s goodness.

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1 thought on “What Wine Can Teach Us About Enjoying Sex”

  1. Ruth, another wonderful post. Doesn’t scripture sometimes compare the Holy Ghost(Spirit) to wine? On the day of Pentecost the apostle Peter said these men(and women) are not drunk as ye suppose (they were drunk on the spirit) see it is the 3rd hour of the day. I think you are spot on, when we let God have control and his spirit can help us relax and lose our inhibitions, so much better than wine. Thanks again.

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