I often wear my Awaken Love shirt when I travel. I always think, how awesome would it be to have someone recognize me at an airport across the country. To stop me and say, “Thanks for what you are doing”. Though the internet provides challenges in safe guarding our families, it also provides opportunities to reclaim territory. The internet gives us access to people from local towns to foreign countries.
Several years ago I was vacationing with my family in McGregor, Minnesota, a tiny town of 350 people, enjoying our church camp. Midweek my husband and I drove into town to hit up the local market for a few dinner items. I was halfway thru my shopping when an older gentlemen caught me from the side. He quietly said, ” I like your shirt. Keep doing what you are doing.” and then shuffled off to rejoin his wife.
To be honest, I hardly heard what he said, except that he liked my shirt. I had to ask my husband and when he told me, I still kept puzzling. “Are you sure he said, “keep doing what you’re doing?'” “Yes, I’m sure”, my husband replied.
I felt shocked. Does he actually know about Awaken-Love? Is it possible that out in the middle of nowhere an older gentleman is following Awaken-Love in hopes of making his sex life better?
The Power the Internet
For all the negative uses that have been dreamed up to corrupt sex using the internet, there are also positive impacts. Six years ago while researching, “Orgasm after a hysterectomy” an article popped up written by Christian Nymphos. That began my realization of the underground movement started by ordinary people like me to start talking about sex in the church. Amazing people like J Parker of Hot Holy and Humorous, Chris Taylor of the Forgive Wife, Bonny Burns of Oysterbed 7, and of course Paul and Lauri Byerly of the Marriage Bed. Christians that want to answer questions and help others embrace sexuality in marriage.
Because of the internet, people read my blog in England, Germany, and even Kenya. Women have taken the Awaken Love video class in New Zealand, Thailand and Ontario, and all over Minnesota. After writing an article about talking to girls in Kenya about sex, another Kenyan emailed asking if I would come to his school too.
At a recent Rethinking Sexuality Conference several women came up to introduce themselves and give me a hug. After taking an Awaken Love video class I felt like a friend to them. I am so glad, because we are. We understand each other and the courage it takes to talk about sex in person. We have committed to prioritize our sex life and go after the freedom God wants us to enjoy. We understand the challenges women face and want to make a difference in our marriage, for our kids and even for our friends. Through the internet and video classes we have bonded.
Final Thoughts
I am excited to see what doors God opens next. To move outside of Minnesota and open up new territory by speaking to groups or helping them launch Awaken Love classes. If you want a new perspective on sex that is biblical, respectful but also exciting, I would love to come and share at your church so contact me today.
Slowly but surely, God is reclaiming territory.
BTW – If you want an Awaken Love women’s v-neck I have them available for $20. Just email me.
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Very nice article…Thanks
It’s the best feeling to be recognized by someone who says they helped your marriage, isn’t it?! So glad you’ve had those moments. All the best to you and your ministry, Ruth!
I’m blessed to be in this ministry with you! I’m thankful God is sending you little shout-outs like the gentleman in the middle of nowhere.