DON’T GIVE UP – Using a Vibrator
This week Julie Sibert over at Intimacy in Marriage posted a great article titled Encouraging Post menopausal women to not give up on sex….
In the article she shares an email from a post menopausal woman who discovered what a helpful tools vibrators can be. . As her menopausal body struggled to physically respond the vibrator added the extra physical stimulation to help her enjoy sex again. She felt excited as she and her husband could once again enjoy sex.
Vibrators have gradually become main stream for the general population. In the US over 50% of women have tried one at least once. The younger generation is much more open to their use than the older generation. Many of us did not grow up talking about sex or able to research sex on the internet. The idea of touching ourselves, participating in activities other than intercourse or using a vibrator is what “those other women” do, not us…
While sex is about more than having the biggest orgasm, God did intend wives to fully enjoy sex. Why else would He give us a clitoris?