What Are You Willing To Try?



I’ve been studying the anonymous surveys from the women that attended my advanced class “How to have an orgasm during intercourse”. In the survey I asked 2 simple questions…

How often do you orgasm during intercourse?

  1. Most times
  2. Some times
  3. Never

I orgasm during intercourse (check all that apply)

  1. Hands free
  2. With the help of His hands
  3. With the help of my hands
  4. With the help of a vibrator
  5. Other
  6. Never

Although my survey only included about 24 women I think some things can be gleaned from the answers. Not surprisingly the majority of the women were in the category of “Some times”, with a handful each in the “Most times” and the “Never” categories.



I have this theory that in order to enjoy sex more, we need to feel like there is actually some one leading.  It is distracting to our minds to be wondering, is he going to do something, or am I supposed to do something. So in honor of my class tonight on “how to have an orgasm during intercourse”, take the lead at least once this week when you have sex. Go on a journey of what feels good to you. Rub his shaft on your vulva to see what feels good. Take him inside of you and just sit still while you feel him and let your body awaken to him. Move in ways that put pressure and tension on your sweet spots, and thank God for every new sensation that you feel.