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Trying to Be Quiet Adds to the Excitement

Trying to be quiet during sex is tough!

We have gotten used to an empty house and the freedom to be as loud as we want, but recently we took an adult vacation with another couple. Spending time with my husband in the mountains, touring God’s creation could only lead to one thing – great sex. With our room right next to the other couples, we had to be extra quiet –  but in a way, it just added to the excitement.

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Keeping the Creativity Going

The other night during the Awaken-Love Men’s Edition class we were talking about battling the lie that “Sex within marriage is boring.” I was sharing that I believe women are amazingly creative in the bedroom. In Song of Songs 7:11-12, she plans an outdoor rendezvous for the two of them to enjoy. They go to the vineyards early, before anyone else is there, and have sex outside.

Naturally, the men were eager to convey that they had no problem if their wife wanted to plan an outdoor adventure – or anything else that was creative. And then the question came up,

“If my wife is naturally creative, how do I get her to tap into her creativity?”

I have to be honest, beyond the obvious answers of creating a safe place and affirming the creative things that she does, I didn’t have much of an answer. So I have been chewing on it all week, and I have an idea…

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Safe Place

The last few years I have realized how bad a job I have done at creating a safe place for my husband to share. I was reminded the other day when I slipped back into my old pattern of reading way to much into my husband’s comments.

I have this amazing husband that loves to teach Sunday School to young kids. After class on Saturday night, as we were walking out to the car, he said, ” You know, I could teach Sunday school every week.” My immediate reaction was, “Don’t you ever want to sit with me during church?”

My poor husband found himself back pedaling. Trying to explain that of course he liked sitting with me in church. All he was really trying to say was that he loves teaching kids. But through my filter of insecurity, I immediately questioned whether he loved me.

Safe Place

I am embarrassed to say that just a few years ago, because I was often overly sensitive to my husband’s comments, he essentially stopped talking to me.Read More »Safe Place

LIVE THE SONG – Yeah!! Marriage!!

Song of Songs 1;1-4


Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—
    for your love is more delightful than wine.
Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes;
    your name is like perfume poured out.
    No wonder the young women love you!
Take me away with you—let us hurry!
    Let the king bring me into his chambers.


We rejoice and delight in you[b];
    we will praise your love more than wine.

I like to think of the “Friends” in Song of Songs as cheer leaders encouraging them from the sidelines, saying, ” don’t give up, it is so worth it.”

Marriage is hard – intimacy is hard – yet God wants it to be so good.

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I had an interesting conversation the other day.

I was talking to one of my husbands friends about possibly attending my class for the men and he said,’If everything works, why do I need to worry about learning something new?”  I was a little shocked, because I always figure just the opposite, ” there is always something new to learn.”

Now to be fair, this is probably  the typical answer for most men. It comes from the foundational truth that most men cling to, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

473739183_5c99733c4bWhat men may not realize, is that women are like this complicated stereo component. You can either listen to it, with all the knobs randomly set to the neutral position, and have adequate sound. Or you can learn what all the knobs actually  do, and dial them into each song for the ultimate music.