LIVE THE SONG – Embrace Me

Song of Songs 2:6-7


 6His left arm is under my head,
    and his right arm embraces me.
Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you
    by the gazelles and by the does of the field:
Do not arouse or awaken love
    until it so desires.

His right arm embraces me.

How our husband embraces us can set the tone for sex.

Sometimes I just need my husband to hold me. I mean really hold me – like he won’t let me go – hold me. When I am insecure, when I need to feel protected or taken care of, he holds me in strength.

Sometimes I need him to steady me, and provide a safe place to let loose. When he stretches my body to feel the length of my muscles and provides a place to strain against he holds me in awe.

Sometimes I need him to hold me loosely so that I can frolic in playfulness. He gives me the freedom to tease and to explore and he holds me with trust.

But it hasn’t always been this way. We have learned together.

I have learned to express my needs and desires. I have accepted responsibility for sometimes acting completely crazy. I have affirmed him when he meets me where I am.

He has heard me. He has learned to relax and to not take my issues as his failures. He has not backed away but has stepped toward me.

Intimacy is hard and you can either give up, or you can continue to grow.

This Week –

1. During sex, communicate to your husband how you would like to be held. Maybe even show him.

2. Turn the tables on your husband, and hold him like you would like to be held during sex.



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