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happy_new_year_2_1920During this time of reflection, consider what you can do to strengthen your marriage.  Below are some ideas to get your creative juices going…

  1. Become more dependent on God and take the pressure off of your spouse. When you get your worth from God, you become less sensitive to your spouse’s reactions and you will have the courage to reveal more of yourself to your spouse.
  2. Take care of yourself by clearing your schedule and doing less. Spend time in God’s presence worshipping, praying, and listening. Allow yourself to bask in your spouse’s arms, connecting skin to skin.
  3. Create a screen-free zone. Set boundaries for technology by leaving them out of your bedroom or turning them off after a designated time at night. Connect eye to eye.
  4. Commit to make your marriage a priority by planning a date each week with your spouse. Alternate out of the house adventures with in house sex dates.


Jan 11th, is my one year anniversary of writing on I am looking forward to another year of sharing. Some of the series I hope to cover are

  1. Thoughts for young moms
  2. How to have an orgasm during intercourse
  3. How to drive him crazy

If you have questions or ideas for what you’d like me to write about, please let me know by commenting below..

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0 thoughts on “WEEKLY MISSION 2014”

    1. Jason,
      I do not have a twitter feed yet. I have to admit I am not much of a techy and so need to do some research into what is involved and what are the ramifications for me.

    1. Thanks for the comment. I would be interested in knowing if there are some specific ideas you would like addressed. I am hoping to rope my mother, who has taken my clasess and is almost 74, to write a few articles as a guest blogger for the over 60″s.

  1. I love your blog! If there is anything I could suggest, it would be encouraging more interaction between commenters and having more discussion with the commenters yourself. I think sites like this can serve as a bit of a community for those who believe sexuality is core to a marriage, and whether they are in a great marriage in that area or desire to be, the warmth and encouragement from others who feel the same can be comforting.

    1. Intrigues Female,
      Thanks for the encouragement.
      I agree it would be informative and fun to have more interaction between readers. I hope to do some redesign on my blog format this year in order to encourage more participation in discussions. I will also try to end my articles with a question for the readers.

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