Song of Songs 1: 9-11
9 I liken you, my darling, to a mare
among Pharaoh’s chariot horses.
10 Your cheeks are beautiful with earrings,
your neck with strings of jewels.
11 We will make you earrings of gold,
studded with silver.
It may not seem like a compliment to be compared to one of Pharaoh’s chariot horses, but don’t get lost in the translation. Most commonly they used stallions to pull Pharaoh’s chariot, because they were the strongest horses. But when they wanted to go really fast, they would harness a mare in front of the stallions to drive them into a frenzy.
He is saying to her, “You drive me into a frenzy!” He thought she was absolutely beautiful and he did not hesitate to tell her.
Husbands – your wife needs to hear your words. Don’t make the mistake of thinking it and not speaking it. When you notice your wife, and you get that flutter in your stomach because you know you are the luckiest man in the world, tell her. If you see her curves and you think, “she is so hot”, tell her. When you look into her eyes and realize how beautiful she is, tell her.
Wives – You need to receive your husbands compliment. It is very easy to fall into the trap of looking to the world to define beauty instead of our husband. When your husband tells you how hot you are, if you immediately tell him all the things that are wrong, you have chosen the worlds truth. When your husband tells you how beautiful you are, unless you believe it in your heart, you will never be able to fully share yourself. Do you believe your husband loves your body and thinks that you are absolutely beautiful?
Put It Into Action
1. If your husband is good about affirming your beauty, then thank him and let him know how much it means to you. With a quiet husband, gently let him know how much you need to hear his words.
2. If you are in the habit of choosing the worlds truth about beauty, then confess it to your husband and covenant to receive your husband’s truth.
3. Pay attention to your husbands eyes on you – as you are getting undressed or dressed.
4. Surprise your husband by getting dressed up for you date this week, and enjoy his eyes on you.
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