The leaves are at their peak, and we serve an amazing God that is so creative and delights in dazzling us. Your mission this week,… Read More »WEEKLY MISSION #6
The leaves are at their peak, and we serve an amazing God that is so creative and delights in dazzling us. Your mission this week,… Read More »WEEKLY MISSION #6
Yesterday I was supposed to write a blog and I just could not bring myself to do it. My husband and I were still in the middle of working through something that had popped out of nowhere in our marriage bed the night before, and I was still too raw.
It amazes me how vulnerable I am in my marriage bed. I like to say, I am like a sea anemone. I gradually open up, until my tentacles are freely flowing in the current, enjoying being tossed about with the movement of the tide, receptive to new experiences and comfortable receiving whatever comes my way. But when I am totally opened up, my most sensitive spot is also exposed. My deepest, most personal, most private self is laid out for my husband. He knows me like no one else, but it is not easy, because all it takes is one little prick to that most sensitive spot, and I immediately close to protect myself.
One of the comments from my class last night, was how they were learning how important it was to just MAKE TIME for sex. That… Read More »WEEKLY MISSION #5
I’ve been studying the anonymous surveys from the women that attended my advanced class “How to have an orgasm during intercourse”. In the survey I asked 2 simple questions…
How often do you orgasm during intercourse?
I orgasm during intercourse (check all that apply)
Although my survey only included about 24 women I think some things can be gleaned from the answers. Not surprisingly the majority of the women were in the category of “Some times”, with a handful each in the “Most times” and the “Never” categories.
Tonight I am teaching about communication in my sex class, and one of the topics that always comes up is how awful the names are… Read More »WEEKLY MISSION #4
Recently I read a book that talked about women who allowed themselves to enjoy “everything but ___ ” before marriage. They spent hours with their boyfriends, kissing and exploring each other’s bodies, and they could hardly hold the line because they loved it so much.
Then they got married….and all that kissing and touching went by the wayside. They and their husband could now partake in the main event, intercourse. Even if there was still some kissing and touching, it was just a prelude to intercourse. It wasn’t very long before the wife felt like it wasn’t that great anymore, and she could take it or leave it.
So what changed? It wasn’t just the fact that they were married, it was what they focused on and spent their time on. Every time she would get going and start to enjoy things, they transitioned to intercourse, because now they could have “sex”.
I have this theory that in order to enjoy sex more, we need to feel like there is actually some one leading. It is distracting… Read More »WEEKLY MISSION #3
So, why don’t you think you deserve it?
Maybe you are just apathetic and don’t think that it is that important to you. I constantly hear from wives that they want their husbands to open up, and share their feelings and deepest longings. Sex is one of the mysterious ways that God gets men to open up. Sex is also one of the mysterious ways that God teaches wives to live in the moment, to stop worrying, to let go of control, to feel, to live. Wake up! Sex is important!
“You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride; you have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes.” Song of Songs 4:9 The… Read More »WEEKLY MISSION #2
“Do I need to have an orgasm? I just enjoy feeling close to my husband.”
“Sometimes I don’t say anything because I don’t want to make my husband feel bad.”
“It seems like so much pressure to expect myself to be able to have an orgasm every time.”
Women seem so willing to settle when it comes to sex.
Can you imagine a husband saying, “Don’t worry about me. I just enjoy feeling close to you,” as they watch us experience fireworks that shudder through our entire body. Fireworks that spread a sense of euphoria that leaves us unable to speak, think, or move. Time after time, they bow out saying, “don’t worry about me – it is too much time, too much work, too much trouble”. It’s hard to imagine isn’t it?