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Awaken Love Men's Edition

Why does my wife constantly change what she likes? Where can I get good information about sex? Why does intimacy have to be so complicated?
The lie that “men will know how to please their wife” leaves many husbands feeling confused, and frustrated. Though resources exist in the battle for purity, how do husbands learn to create an intimate sex life with their very complicated wife?

Finally… a class to help husbands create the sex life God wants for them.

Ruth has taught hundreds of women to embrace sex and will give you the inside scoop on how to understand your wife. But more than that, Ruth and Jim will help you redefine sex using God’s Word.

We have 4 Goals:

  • Help you understand the difference between just having sex and intimately connecting during sex.
  • Enable you to become a great lover to your wife, by understanding the battles in her head, how her body works and how to woo her with words and actions.
  • Teach you that learning to intimately connect with your wife will help you understand what an intimate relationship with Christ looks like.
  • Equip you to talk to your wife, your kids and other men about sex, so that others might know the truth.

In-person or zoom class

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Online class

Take a 6-week video class

In Six-Weeks we Address

  • Redefining Sex
    How do we create connection and intimacy, rather than just getting to the end zone.
  • God’s Design for Sex
    The reasons God created sex, how sex tends to play out in marriage, and God’s design to grow us.
  • The Battle
    How can husbands help wives overcome the lies they’ve been told about sex and heal past baggage.
  • Her Needs and Boundaries
    Specific needs women have in order to engage in sex, and discerning God’s boundaries in the marriage bed
  • Women’s Bodies
    Detailed, respectful information about women’s bodies, how they work, and how they work with yours.
  • Men’s Bodies, Drives, and Wooing Your Wife
    Respectful information about men’s bodies, navigating sex drives, and how to woo your wife.

Join us for Biblically based respectful conversation

Packed with hands-on learning assignments and real answers.

Become the lover you always wanted to be.

I feel like we are both more open about sex and wanting to please each other. Thank you for helping me uncover much of the mystery of the woman’s body.
I never thought about how much negativity there was in the church about sex. We are much more open now, and not writing stuff off as evil because of how we were taught.
Class helped a lot with communication and created a deeper emotional connection. I learned sex is a journey and not a destination.