Come Away, My Beloved

Song of Songs 8:13-14


13 You who dwell in the gardens
    with friends in attendance,
    let me hear your voice!


14 Come away, my beloved,
    and be like a gazelle
or like a young stag
    on the spice-laden mountain

The end of a series. 

The young Bride has grown from insecurities of worrying about her skin color, to dancing in front of her man. She has grown from urging her groom to take her away with him to inviting him to come away.

God wants us to grow – personally and in our marriage. I think part of the reason God made men and women so different is to stretch us. Marriage is this giant people growing machine that forces us to change in order to love our spouse better. And when we do, we get to experience a whole different world that we might have missed otherwise. It is not easy, in fact it may be one of the hardest things that you do. It takes facing your own humanity and realizing that you cannot do it on your own. Doing marriage will drive  you to your knees and it will drive you right into the arms of God.

I love that Song of Songs ends with her asking him to Come Away. Marriage is not supposed to feel stagnant or boring. It is supposed to be this connection that transports us to another world…

A world where the junk and the stresses disappear.

Where pettiness, selfishness and insecurities fade.

A world where we giggle and sparkle and soak in our spouses delight.

Where we dance with each other naked and unashamed in an open field under the moon light.

It does not require that we physically transport ourselves – though sometimes that is good and necessary. It simply requires that we commune together with God in the simplest of pleasures – reveling in each others bodies, minds, spirits and souls.

So, Come Away


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