Support for Sexually Betrayed Wives

After teaching Awaken Love to hundreds of women, I am painfully aware of the lack of resources for women that have been sexually betrayed. Many churches offer resources to help men who struggle with porn, but few offer resources for the wife. While the husband feels the relief of finally coming clean with an accountability groups, the wife suffers in silence with no one to share her own fears and grief.

Wives that have been sexually betrayed did not cause or choose this path. But the betrayal impacts them in profound ways.  Regardless of whether her marriage survives or not, or her husband achieves sobriety and recovery, the wife needs healing from the wounds of betrayal.


3 Ways to Embrace Godly Sexual Passion

Seven years ago when I had my awakening, one of the Christian Sex Bloggers that I stumbled upon was Julie Sibert from She writes with wit and a don’t beat around the bush attitude. Julie has a ton of wisdom and experience helping others in their sex life and today I am honored to have Julie guest post. Enjoy!

I didn’t always have a good grasp on godly sexual passion. Fortunately, I learned! And along the way, I have encouraged others. Maybe that’s why you’ve landed at this blog post today. You want more godly sexual passion in your marriage and you’re curious what it will take to experience that.

Here are 3 ways to get there… 


Beyond Purity – Living with Sexual Integrity

Our world has drastically changed in the last 30 years. The internet provides endless knowledge, opinions and images – both positive and negative. Definitions for marriage and sexuality continue to morph as culture changes. We live in a fast-paced world constantly bombarded with sexual messages. And most churches have failed to respond to the challenges and real questions that people face.  Rather than focusing on sexual purity we need to strive to equip people to live with sexual integrity, no matter our age or marital status. God creates us as sexual beings from the day we were born until the day we die. Rather than a sprint for purity that we win or lose, we must strive to live with sexual integrity every day of our life.


Awaken Love Podcast and Other Exciting News

Listen to the Awaken Love podcast  where Christian wives are reclaiming sex. Hear stories of the growth and healing that women have experienced in the area of sexuality and listen to Ruth’s teaching.

You can find Awaken Love on Apple, Stitcher, Spotify, my website or any of your favorite listening platforms. Share the Awaken Love podcast with all your friends and give it a review to help other people find it. We want to help Christian women reclaim sexuality.

Hot Topics Workshop Feb 7th for Couples!!!

Did you know that some women can orgasm from just touching their belly buttons? Our bodies are made of countless erogenous zones that we overlook when we just focus on the more obvious paths to orgasm.

Create Erotic Energy by learning

  •    the importance of how we breathe
  •    the advantages of shifting your focus from destination to exploration
  •    the different types of touch that create energy
  •    how to take it all in through calming your mind
  •   the discovery of subtle erogenous zones
  •   why choosing to retain erotic energy can create fireworks later

Join us for a fun couple’s night of learning how to create erotic energy during sexual connection.


 There has never been a better time to pick up a copy of Awaken Love.

Gift them to your friends and spread the word.

I have Classes starting soon. Check out my schedule

Miracles Happen

In class last year, I witnessed what I would call a miracle. I’ve watched profound transformation during Awaken Love classes before, so I don’t know that I felt surprised. But when Lisa shared her God story, it felt awe inspiring, bigger than life, a miracle that only God can orchestrate. You see in the world that we live, we like to think that we control more than we do. But when I witness miracles, it reminds me of how small I am and who is really in control. The situation that felt hopeless, and chaotic – in a moment – it changed , a miracle happened, and only God can do that.

Lisa Joins Awaken Love

Lisa was a late addition to my Awaken Love class. Emailing just days before my already full class started, I added her to the roster, trusting that God had a plan. She came with her friend, expectant yet wounded. And with each week you could see the pain increase.

You see, Lisa was part of the 1/3 of the class who would love to engage in sex, while her husband showed little interest. Hearing and reading about all the reasons to have sex just made her angry. If only her husband would…!!! But even when she felt discouraged, and it didn’t seem like God’s word applied, Lisa stuck with it.

On week 3, baggage night, Lisa watched and listened, as the women shared and prayed over each other and asked for the healing, growth and transformation they wanted. Quiet in her thoughts, she finally took her turn and out burst a tornado of feelings, disappointments and grievances about her husband. Seven years! That’s how long it had been since they connected sexually. My heart broke for her, but I also noticed the way that she continued to focus on her husband. Blinded by her wounds, she could not see her part in their mess. And so, she knelt, and she prayed for him to change, while I quietly prayed for her eyes to open.

Meeting One on One

That night I could not get Lisa out of my mind. Ignoring what I had seen would not help her. I had to find the courage to follow up and share my honest, but hard thoughts.

Two days later we sat in my living room and I patiently waited as Lisa once again tearfully relayed all of the ways that her husband had let her down.  Through tears of disappointment, I learned about their story. Years of counseling… Three years in separate bedrooms …  so resentful and hurt that she could no longer look him in the eyes…

And yet, Lisa also told me, that on baggage night, as she knelt before God, she clearly heard Him ask, “Do YOU want to get well?” And THAT gave me hope.

So I mustered up my courage, took a deep breath, and asked, “would it be ok, if I share a few things that I’ve noticed?”

The Path Towards Change

You see, we only have power over ourselves. When we spend all of our time lamenting about the ways that our spouse let us down, we waste our time, and energy. We become more and more frantic and unhappy as we try to control somebody that we cannot control. The road to freedom and transformation requires that we let go of what we cannot control and focus on what we can, ourselves.

Another principle that we must understand, but can feel really hard to stomach, is that in every marriage, equal unhealth exists. A husband and wife may be unhealthy in very different ways, but we are equally unhealthy. The encouraging corollary is that when one person chooses to work on themselves and get healthier, it pressures their spouse to grow. We have the power to change ourselves. To become stronger, more loving people, that can make better choices in the future – regardless of what our spouse does. And that is good news!

Telling the truth felt scary, and I really had no idea how Lisa would receive the messages that I offered. But with an open heart and a new sense of calm, Lisa began to see herself more clearly and own her own part in their dynamics.

Faith Put Into Action Creates Miracles

Before Lisa left, she shared that the first thing she planned to do was apologize to her husband. She had spent years blaming their struggles on him, and she now realized that she had things to work on. Rather than using counseling sessions to prove her husband’s guilt, she planned to ask for tools for the changes she wanted in herself. And she began to think through how she might complete the first weeks homework assignment of giving her husband a sensuous massage. With years of physical separation, she treaded lightly, “Maybe I could give him a sensuous massage on his wrist.”

My time with Lisa took courage  and faith – for both of us. I had to share honestly what I saw, and it felt scary. Lisa could have stayed in her comfortable place of blame and felt completely offended by my ideas.  But she chose to hear because she heard God ask, “Do YOU want to get well?” Taking Awaken Love was not about changing her husband, but about becoming the person that God wants Lisa to be.

Miracles Happen

A few days later, when Lisa showed up for class, she looked different. Her face was softer, her step was lighter. As we checked in, she joined us in celebrating others progress until a space opened for her to share. “Last week I apologized to my husband for blaming him for our issues. We had a really good talk up at our cabin. And afterward….. We had SEX.”

Just like that! A Miracle! 6 years of loneliness, separation, resentment, blame and bitterness, erased for a moment of sweet oneness, confirmation, commitment, openness, and hope. We celebrated a miracle in class that week and I watched in delight as the other women recognized how powerful our God is. He did what none of us dreamed possible. He did a miracle.

I have since checked in with Lisa, and their relationship continues to improve. Lisa and her husband still have plenty of work to do, but they now have hope. As they continue to work on their own part of their dynamics, they will gain tools to keep them from slipping into the same old patterns. Reigniting their physical intimacy will help to sustain and unite them when things get hard. But more than anything, they now have hope. They know that transformation can happen. Because God can do the impossible. He is the God of miracles.

Upcoming Classes

I am excited to launch several classes this Fall, including a both a daytime and an evening class over zoom. Check out my schedule and join me for an amazing six weeks of discovering and going after what God wants for you. Sing up now by emailing me.


Feel stuck, and don’t know what else to try, I can help!

Do you struggle with physical challenges like having an orgasm, enjoying intercourse, or experiencing the freedom you want?

Does it feel like your body has betrayed you as you adjust to the effects of child birth or aging?

Do you struggle with the aftermath of porn use, your husband’s porn use, or baggage from your past?

Do you experience lack of desire, or constantly fight with your spouse over sexual frequency?

In the midst of hard situations, we can feel confused, alone, hopeless, and we rarely see ourselves clearly. So, we keep doing the things that don’t work and that continue to make us unhappy. It’s time to try something new!

“I showed up to our meeting dazed by shock, internally shattered by the pain, and afraid of the looming hopelessness in my heart. Ruth met me with compassion, wisdom, and faith. . Our time together was so overwhelmingly life-giving.”

” I was honestly stuck in a terrible pattern in my life and marriage, and Ruth was about to be the hands and feet of Jesus, pulling me out of that stuck place.”

What to Expect

I am offering One on One’s for Wives to help you move toward your goals. I offer..

  • A Compassionate ear
  • Honest Clarity
  • Guidance over what you control
  • Application that Produces Change

I have helped thousands of wives create more meaningful sex lives through classes, but sometimes we need to dive into our challenges One on One.


“Ruth unpacked God’s desire for my wholeness and healing, in a way that brought me hope without negating my pain. I valued her remarkable ability to create a safe space for my pain while advocating for my own growth. I valued her ability to meet me where I was at.”

“Ruth is gifted in asking poignant timely questions and creating space for me to discover my own answers. She is unafraid of my brokenness, my inner-mess, my shame. . As my coach she stands with me in genuine servant-leadership; able to be compassionate, clear, kind, and direct.”

“As I talked with Ruth that morning she prayerfully listened and then she courageously spoke TRUTHS to me. Truths that God had prepared my heart to hear!  She is a women of God, used by God to accomplish His good works.”

Working with Ruth

One on One’s meet either in person or over zoom. During our hour together we will spend time exploring multiple facets – your personal journey, marriage dynamics, sexual integration, and faith. Together we will look for understanding and pathways that lead toward change. In order to make the best use of  our time, I strongly recommend you start by taking an Awaken Love class to learn the foundation of God’s design for sex before investing in One on One’s.

“My coaching sessions with Ruth continue to stand out as the most valuable and pivotal investment I have made in my healing journey. I would not be the human being I am today, or have the marriage I have today, without Ruth’s guidance and wise counsel. I am so very grateful.”

“My marriage is totally restored, we are both completely different people – we have a completely different family & marriage. It is all to the glory of God.”

Email me to explore whether meeting One on One could help you with your specific challenge.

Change requires the courage to see yourself honestly, and the faith to act in a new way, even when it feels scary. You have the power to change your life. Meet with me for a free One on One today!

Tell Others the Truth About Sex and Change Lives

Recently I sat in with a group of women taking the Awaken Love video class. Their church had offered Awaken Love as a small group community and 25 women quickly registered. With four classes complete, these women had already done the hard work of talking through lies and baggage, and embracing God’s design for sex. Hungry to learn more, they enthusiastically voiced agreement as I shared insight from my own journey. I loved our time together, but what impacted me most, was their commitment to tell others the truth about sex.

Opportunities to Tell Others

A couple of weeks ago, two of the women had met for ice cream and couldn’t stop talking about class. As they excitedly processed all they were learning, a woman nearby quietly listened. Finally, she interrupted to ask about their conversation. Only recently, she had discovered her husband’s porn struggle and she wasn’t sure if they could rebuild their marriage.

These two women quickly embraced the opportunity to minister to their new friend. They shared all they had learned about God’s design for sex and how it had impacted their own marriages. But they also shared how God provided healing and transformation for them personally. Before they parted ways, they gently asked if they could pray for their new friend. I can only imagine how powerfully they ministered to this hurting woman in that moment. Talking about sex opened up the opportunity to hear about Jesus.

The world is filled with hurting marriages and people are desperately looking for answers. When we embrace God’s design for sex, it not only provides a pathway to tell others the truth about sex, but about the love of Jesus. We cannot create an intimate marriage without God’s transformation in our lives. Conversations about sex should naturally flow into conversations about Jesus.

Crossing Generation

Another woman shared that the Holy Spirit was prompting her to lead a video class with her mom and her mom’s friends. Taking Awaken Love had provided the opportunity to open up conversations with her mother about what she was learning in class. Aware of the generational gap in open conversations and information about sex, this young woman wanted her mom’s generation to experience all the freedom that she had discovered.

Many of the women in class shared their concerns about talking to their kids about sex. Though they hadn’t grown up with parents comfortable talking about sex, they were determined to change things for their kids. Class had helped these women get comfortable with the topic and for the first time they felt empowered. They knew that having normal conversations about sex with their kids could become a reality. The women were filled with enthusiasm and hope for changing future generations.

Help Others by Sharing the Truth

When women start an Awaken Love class, I always explain the greater message, “This class is not just for you, it is for every person that you interact with.”

  • What good does it do to create an amazing sex life with your husband, if years later your kids struggle with the same issues?
  • How can you not want to share God’s truth about sex, when so many marriages around you are breaking apart?
  • Do you realize how many hurting women think that God cannot heal sexual baggage?

Real transformation in the church happens when we move beyond ourselves and tell others God’s truth about sex.

Final Thoughts

It was an amazing night connecting with the women in the Awaken Love class. The memory that continues to bring tears to my eyes was when the leader asked, “How many of you have had conversations about sex with other women, outside of class?” Every single hand in the room raised.

How are you changing the world as you learn God’s truth about sex?

Finding the Courage to Host Awaken Love

If you are afraid to host an Awaken Love sex class, trust me, I understand. When I had my first class, I felt terrified too. Who would I ask and how would I do it? Could I really talk about sex? What if something came up that I wasn’t equipped to handle? What if I said the wrong thing or didn’t have the answer? But as God continued to highlight the importance of figuring out sex to strengthen Christian marriages, I knew I had to do something. I finally decided that I wasn’t going to let Satan’s lies or fear keep me from making a difference. I was going to trust God.


Many Options for Taking an Awaken-Love Video Class

When I first created the Awaken Love videos, I based everything off of my experiences teaching live classes. I realized the importance of community so that women could encourage and support each other as they shared their struggles and growth. I tried to recreate classes, with pauses for mixer questions, reading Song of Songs as a group, and discussion questions. Rather than just tell you the answers, I wanted women to discover their own answers. Though I still believe taking the video class in a group provides a powerful dynamic for transformation, I now realize that God can work regardless of the circumstances. If God has softened your heart and you are ready to seek His truth, He can use the Awaken-Love video class in many different ways as an impetus for change.


Meet Jenna – a new Awaken-Love teacher in Ramsey MN

This week I got to do one of my favorite things,  add a new name to the list of Awaken-Love teachers.

Jenna will teach classes in Ramsey Minnesota and  has already scheduled her first class.

  • Thursday’s 6:30-8:30pm, July 20, 27 & August 10, 17, 24 & 31
  • Pathway Community Church in Ramsey, MN

Jenna has a heart for sexual wholeness
